All is well. You did not come here to fix a broken world. The world is not broken. You came here to live a wonderful life. And if you relax a little and let it all in, you will begin to see the Universe present you with all that you have asked for.


29 April 2010

Coconut Flour: A Low-Carb, Gluten-Free Alternative to Wheat

Wheat products are the most popular foods in the SAD diet (standard diet). Wheat, in one form or another, is eaten in just about every meal.  Some people, however, are allergic to wheat or cannot tolerate gluten—the protein in many grains.

24 April 2010

A Serious Warning about Nano-Technology in Cosmeceuticals

Dr. Epstein has serious concerns about cosmetic products containing nano-particles, and that the facts about these technologies are being hidden and ignored.
These ingredients are used in many different brands of cosmetics and cosmeceuticals, so I encourage you to use this information to evaluate ANY type of cosmetic you’re considering buying.

Some of these nano-particles are so dangerous, in fact, they’re slowly but surely becoming known as “universal asbestos.”

20 April 2010

Sugars 101

Is sugar a sweet old friend that is secretly plotting your demise?
There is a vast sea of research suggesting that it is. Science has now shown us, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that sugar in your food, in all its myriad of forms, is taking a devastating toll on your health.
The single largest source of calories for Americans comes from sugar—specifically high fructose corn syrup. Just take a look at the sugar consumption trends of the past 300 years:[1]

13 April 2010

Grow Blueberries in a Container

Plant an Edible Ornamental Harvest Garden

This video uses the box gardening idea on a larger scale to create a 3 dimensional area, visually pleasing from every angle. The weeping Santa Rosa plum, easy to pick and dwarfs so they are in reaching range. He says to make sure to thin out a total of 4-6 inches of the growths so you can harvest 30 pounds of better quality fruit than 30 pounds of larger quantity which makes sense.

For example if you see a bunch of clusters on a branch, thin out all the small clusters to 1 or 2 fruit. Then 1 or 2 fruit every 4 - 6 inches. If a tree is vigorous and growing tall, it will need 'topping' which is cutting down the long branches in similar height (to about 8 feet) and then thinning out the center for light exposure, air movement, cutting away any weak or dead areas.

So much helpful information here! Inspiring to watch..

12 April 2010

Detox Ideas by Serena

Here is a list of items that have helped me and others with counteracting(detoxing) some of the chemicals and molds from the chemtrails as well as boosting the immune system. I know that there are probably other things that will work as well and I would love to have more ideas. These are ones that we have used and I am always in search of new remedies.

11 April 2010

Can Apricot Kernels Keep Cancer at Bay?

PAUL Reid should be dead. Diagnosed with a rare, incurable lymphoma, he was given five years, seven tops, by his oncologist. But, having cheated death in the Ash Wednesday bushfires, he was not about to surrender his life without a fight.

His weapon of choice? Apricot kernels. Thirty a day. Reid turned down chemotherapy, vowing to eat himself well. Today, 13 years in remission, the 68-year-old believes that ''cancer-killing'' properties in the kernels he still eats daily, coupled with a strict vegan diet and prayer, have cured him. ''We're not immortal, but I believe I'll be healthy from taking this direction,'' he says.

Reid is among a growing number of cancer patients who see food as the key to their survival - a trend worrying doctors who fear people may be risking their lives by embarking on extreme, unproved diets. Some patients are forgoing conventional medical treatment and putting their faith in ''anti-cancer'' diets promoted by alternative health practitioners, or buying untested nutritional supplements on the internet..

 You can read the rest of the article here.

How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

Fluoride Toxicity

Fluoride is a soluble salt, not a heavy metal. There are two basic types of fluoride. Calcium fluoride appears naturally in underground water sources and even seawater. Enough of it can cause skeletal or dental fluorosis, which weakens bone and dental matter. But it is not nearly as toxic, nor does it negatively affect so many other health issues as sodium fluoride, which is added to many water supplies.

Sodium Fluoride is a synthetic waste product of the nuclear, aluminum, and phosphate fertilizer industries. This fluoride has an amazing capacity to combine and increase the potency of other toxic materials. The sodium fluoride obtained from industrial waste and added to water supplies is also already contaminated with lead, aluminum, and cadmium.

It damages the liver and kidneys, weakens the immune system, possibly leading to cancer, creates symptoms that mimic fibromyalgia, and performs as a Trojan Horse to carry aluminum across the blood brain barrier. The latter is recognized as a source of the notorious "dumbing down" with lower IQ's and Alzheimer's effects of fluoride.

Another not commonly known organ victim of fluorosis is the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain. The pineal gland can become calcified from fluorides, inhibiting it's function as a melatonin producer. Melatonin is needed for sound, deep sleep, and the lack of it also contributes to thyroid problems that affect the entire endocrine system. The pineal gland is also considered the physical link to the upper chakras or third eye for spiritual and intuitive openings.

Various permutations of Sodium Fluoride are also in many insecticides for homes and pesticides for crops. Sometimes it is even added to baby foods and bottled waters. If you live in a water fluoridated area, purchase commercially grown fruits, especially grapes, and vegetables that are chemically sprayed and grown areas irrigated by fluoridated water, you are getting a triple whammy! Better skip that fluoridated toothpaste!

Avoiding Fluoride Contamination

As always, the first step in detoxifying is to curb taking in toxins. Purifying water by reverse osmosis or distillation in fluoridated water communities is a good start to slowing down your fluoride contamination. Distillation comes with a bit of controversy, as all the minerals are removed. A great mineral supplement such as Fulvic Acid (not folic acid) or unsulfured blackstrap molasses is recommended if you distill your water.

Avoiding sprayed, commercially grown foods while consuming organic or locally grown foods is another big step. Watch out for processed foods such as instant tea, grape juice products, and soy milk for babies. They all contain high concentrations of sodium fluoride. So do many pharmaceutical "medicines". By minimizing your sodium fluoride intake, your body can begin eliminating the fluorides in your system slowly.

Magnesium is a very important mineral that many are lacking. Besides being so important in the metabolism and synthesis of nutrients within your cells, it also inhibits the absorption of fluoride into your cells! Along with magnesium, calcium seems to help attract the fluorides away from your bones and teeth, allowing your body to eliminate those toxins. So during any detox efforts with fluoride, it is essential that you include a healthy supplemental dose of absorbable calcium/magnesium as part of the protocol.

So Now Let's Speed Up the Fluoride Detox

This author received a comment stating that an earlier article's source reference to sunlight for decalcifying the pineal gland was inaccurate. He said that darkness, not light, is needed to stimulate the pineal gland into melatonin production, which should lead to breaking up the calcification of that gland. Besides being logical, further source research indicates the critic is correct!

Day time exercise, a healthful diet, not over eating, and meditation all contribute to higher melatonin production from the pineal gland. Though very helpful to many for getting a full night's deep sleep, it appears inconclusive whether melatonin supplements will help decalcify the pineal gland. But it does seem logical that it might.

Iodine supplementation has been clinically demonstrated to increase the urine irrigation of sodium fluoride from the body as calcium fluoride. The calcium is robbed from your body, so make sure you are taking effective calcium and magnesium supplements. Lecithin is recommended as an adjunct to using iodine for excreting fluorides.

Iodine is another nutrient lacking in most diets and causing hypothyroid symptoms of lethargy or metabolic imbalances. Eating lots of seafood for iodine has it's constantly rising mercury hazards. Seaweed foods and iodine supplements that combine iodine and potassium iodide are highly recommended over sea food by most.

Tamarind, originally indigenous to Africa but migrated into India and southeast Asia, has been used medicinally in Ayurvedic Medicine. The pulp, bark, and leaves from the tree can be converted to teas and strong tinctures, which have also shown the ability to eliminate fluorides through the urine.

Liver Cleanses are considered effective for eliminating fluorides and other toxins. There are two types of liver cleansing, both of which can be performed easily at home over a week or two of time. One of the protocols focuses on the liver itself , and the other cleanses the gall bladder, which is directly connected with liver functions. Simple instructions for both can be found on line with search engine inquiries.

Boron was studied in other parts of the world with pronounced success for fluoride detoxification. Borox, which contains boron, has a history of anecdotal success for detoxifying sodium fluoride. Yes, this is the borox you can find in the laundry aisles of some supermarkets. It needs to be taken in with pure water in small quantities.

As little as 1/32 of a teaspoon to 1/4 of a teaspoon in one liter of water consumed in small quantities throughout the day is what has been demonstrated as safe and effective. Around 1/8 of a teaspoon with a pinch of pure sea salt in a liter consumed in small quantities daily has been reported to have dramatic results. There is the possibility of a food grade version with sodium borate, if you can find it.

Dry Saunas combined with exercise releases sodium fluoride stored in fatty tissues. It can be intense enough to cause side effects or an occasional healing crisis. So keep the pure water intake high and drink some chickweed tea to protect the kidneys while using a highly absorbable cal/mag supplement. Lecithin is another useful adjunct to this protocol for fluoride detoxification.

Those Adjuncts to the Listed Remedies

Vitamin C in abundance was not mentioned as a helpful adjunct. It is now. But do not use ascorbic acid as your vitamin C source for an adjunct to any of the fluoride detox methods. Do take in as much other types of vitamin C as you can tolerate, along with a couple of tablespoons of lecithin daily. Add those to your absorbable calcium and magnesium supplements with plenty of pure water, get good sleep and rest, and the detox should be relatively smooth.

Chelation therapies are recommended primarily for heavy metal removals. Though fluorides are salts, the synthetic waste product variety, sodium fluoride, comes with a cargo of toxic heavy metals. And these pernicious salts have a way of combining more heavy metals. So including any one of several chelation therapies may be beneficial for overall health improvements while applying your chosen fluoride remedy or remedies.

Those include bentonite clay internally or externally, fulvic acid (NOT folic acid), cilantro pesto with chlorella, and even DMSA or any other chellation therapy with which you are familiar.


Boron Testing

List of foods with fluoride contamination

Website that offers a bibliography of other sources

suana remedy

Earth Clinic Folk Remedies

Great comprehensive overview of fluoride

Paul Fassa has managed to survive the Standard American Diet (SAD) and his youthful folly by deprogramming gradually from mainstream health ideology and studying holistic health matters informally with his wife while incorporating them into his lifestyle as a vegetarian.
He also practices Chi-Lel Chi Gong, and he is trained as a polarity therapy practitioner. He is dedicated to warning others of the corruption of food and medicine in our time, and guiding others toward a better direction for health. You can visit his blog at

10 April 2010

Natural Ways to Strengthen your Child's Immunity

Caminha, Portugal 

by Melanie Waxman
I have raised seven unvaccinated children. I gave them a strong foundation through breastfeeding, great nutrition, a lively, healthy family life, and a mostly non-toxic environment. My children have very strong immune systems. I don't believe in coddling them or trying to keep them away from other kids who are sick. Instead, I believe that their immunity strengthens and develops when they are naturally exposed to germs. Of course they get colds, fevers, stomach bugs and other mild problems but they recover quickly too.

These are good signs that their immune systems are at work dispelling toxins, viruses or bacteria from the body. My eldest daughter contracted Lymes disease a number of years ago and took one course of antibiotics. My youngest son put his finger in a fan and had to take antibiotics to prevent bone infection. Apart from that my children have relied on simple dietary home remedies and occasionally a homeopathic solution to alleviate any discomfort.

Today more and more parents are realizing that the key to a healthy child is a strong immune system. All children are constantly exposed to disease producing organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites but this doesn't mean they will get sick. A strong immune system provides a child with the natural defenses to fight off disease.

If a child has a weakened immune system they are more susceptible to colds, flu and other problems. Germs are everywhere and being exposed to them is a natural part of life. It is not natural, however, to try and 'germ proof' your child. In fact exposure to different viruses and bacteria can actually strengthen your child's immune system. Some childhood diseases such as mumps, measles, chickenpox and rubella can help to build immunity and protect against these diseases.

There are a number of things you can do to help boost your child natural immunity:

Breastfed babies experience fewer infections than bottle fed babies. Breast milk is vital in building your baby's immunity and protecting against disease. It also provides a complete nutritional balance including essential fatty acids. It is very important to try to breastfeed your baby even if it is only for a few months. If you are unable to give your baby breast milk, home made brown rice milk is a healthy alternative. Use this as part of your baby's diet to help develop a strong constitution and immune system.

Offer an Organic Wholesome Diet

It is essential to give your child excellent daily nutrition to keep their immune system healthy and strong. Nutritional deficiencies make it easier for your child to be susceptible to viruses and bacteria. Make sure your child has a variety of organic whole-foods including fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains. It is vital to offer a balanced macrobiotic diet with a variety of ingredients.

All children are attracted to eating snacks. Today many foods are highly processed and loaded with sugar such as cookies, boxed cereals and sodas. These additive rich foods will actually weaken the immune system. Snacking can become problematic if children fill up on these 'nutritionally empty foods' and don't want to eat the lovely healthy meals you have provided. Make sure to offer good quality snacks such as fruit and vegetable sticks, steamed bread with spreads, sushi, amasake, home made fruit smoothies or roasted nuts and seeds.

Include some fish, good quality olive and sesame oil and natural home made desserts in your meals.

Cold foods, excessive amounts of raw fruits and juices have a weakening effect on the immune system and should be eaten in moderation. In some colder climates, it might be necessary to include cold liver oil as a supplement for your children.

Kukicha tea has a strengthening effect on immunity. Offer it warm with rice syrup or barley malt added. Hot apple juice is relaxing for the body and can be diluted with kukicha as a healthy alternative to cold drinks.

Look at your own daily diet too. Remember children follow their parents. Make sure you are preparing balanced meals with enough variety. It is important not to be too strict or one sided with children. Stay in contact with other families who eat whole foods/macrobiotics and keep up to date with new trends in macrobiotic cooking and nutrition. 

If your child has a history of ear infections, oral thrush, digestive trouble, colic, food allergies or other on-going problems you need to look at their present diet. Dairy food, sugar, cold foods, sodas, chicken, baked foods and excessive fruits can make these problems worse. Again a varied macrobiotic diet is recommended, although in some cases, certain foods may need to be restricted such as baked foods, oily foods, wheat products, raw fruits and salad, vinegars and some soy products until their system is strengthened. Restricted foods can be slowly re-introduced back into the diet at a later date.
Make sure your child is getting plenty of sweet tasting vegetables such as squash, carrots, cabbage, parsnips and onions. Lightly cooked leafy greens like watercress are also extremely beneficial.
Sea vegetables provide important minerals and help to strengthen the immune system. Nori sea vegetable is very good for children and can be used on a regular basis.
Kombu powder with crushed sesame seeds can be used sparingly as a strengthening remedy. This condiment can be also be prepared with small dried fish and is extremely beneficial for building strong teeth and bones. Shiso powder and umeboshi are condiments that help to create a healthy immune system. VERY SMALL amounts can be given to your child to strengthen the system. Remember that these condiments are salty and too much are harmful and can cause, among other things, stunted growth, behavioral problems and fussy eating habits.

A Note on Herbs
Herbs have been used safely all around the world since ancient times to prevent and treat disease. Although I don't give my children any herbal supplements as a rule, they have been known to strengthen a child's constitution and make them more resistant to illness. Certain herbs, including Echinacea, have been found to have remarkable immunological effects. These herbs support the body's own process to stay at the peak of vitality and prevent development of disease.

Create a Non-toxic Environment
Exposure to chemicals can damage the immune system and make it more difficult to fight off common infections and even more serious diseases such as cancer. Our environments have become increasingly toxic. Even though these toxins are everywhere you can take the steps to create a healthy home environment and therefore reduce the amount of chemicals your children are exposed to.
Today, there are affordable, nontoxic alternatives to all lawn and garden pesticides and wonderful natural household cleaners and personal care products. Use natural fibers in your bedding, furniture and carpets to create a cleaner, fresher environment with less static electricity. Buy organic foods. This will greatly decrease your child's overall exposure to pesticides and help to create a healthier environment for everyone.

Avoid Unnecessary Antibiotics and Vaccines

Today, children are prescribed excessive amounts of antibiotics. Antibiotics can seriously weaken a child's immune system and also build up a resistance to the medicine itself. Vaccines may provide immunity for a specific disease but they do not increase overall immunity or create healthier children.
Many young children are injected with nearly three-dozen doses of 10 different viral and bacterial vaccines before the age of five, and this is while the immune system is still developing, Such a huge stress to the system is a major cause of chronic immune dysfunction amongst children today. On the other hand, the parents of unvaccinated children have observed how strong the immune systems of their children appear to be.

A Healthy Home Life
"All you need is Love!!" Love and attention are a wonderful way to boost immunity. Children that grow up in a loving environment feel more secure and happy.
Make sure you hold, hug, rock, massage, nurse, touch and kiss your children regularly. Studies show that laughter and positive thinking help to strengthen immunity too. The more children laugh and enjoy life, the better their immune function.
Stressful situations and unhappiness deplete the immune system and lower a child's resistance to disease. Breastfeeding, daily baths and massage can help to reduce stress and promote positive feelings in your baby.

Daily Routine
Create a stable home environment with daily routines. These include regular meals, baths, naps and bed times. Eating meals together is extremely important and will help your child to feel secure, safe and part of the family.

Make sure your child has enough sleep and goes to bed at a reasonable hour. Your child's body regenerates, repairs and renews itself while sleeping. In addition, it is important to include "quiet time" as part of your child's day when they can unwind and learn the value of being calm. Let your child listen to peaceful music, which is stress relieving and further helps him to feel relaxed and happy.

Enjoy Nature
Give your child plenty of fresh air. Go for walks in the woods, country or parks. Let your child run, jump, dance and climb. Don't coddle your child. If they want to run without a hat or gloves, let them do so. Allow them to run barefoot on the grass and climb trees. Nature is an excellent immune stimulator and being exposed in a happy, healthy way does wonders to all aspects of your child's life.

At a Glance Ways to Strengthen your Child's Immunity
Breastfeed your baby
Offer a wide variety of organic, natural foods
Create a non-toxic home environment
Avoid un-necessary vaccines and anti-biotics
Give your child lots of love and affection
Create routines in daily life
Eat together as a family
Make sure your child has enough sleep
Spend time outdoors in nature

Melanie Waxman began studying Oriental medicine in 1980 and went on to specialize in macrobiotic cooking. She has lived in Portugal, England and America and has trained cooks from all over the world. Melanie is the mother of seven children. She has cooked for international recording stars, fashion designers, doctors, and business professionals and has helped thousands of others to change their lifestyle and way of eating. She has written a children's cook book; Mr. Hoppity's Color Me Cook book for Kids, a series of self-published12 Cooklets and has recently published Bless the Baby, a beautifully illustrated book on the natural and traditional ways a mother can bond with her newborn. Melanie is also a massage therapist and Feng Shui consultant.

Startling Facts about the Chemicals in Our Food

1. We now use about 10 lbs. of pesticides per year for every man, woman and child in the U.S.

2. Humankind is in danger of not being able to reproduce within 50 years; thereby creating the decline in population in unindustrialized nations, which would bring on an economic collapse.

3. Some foods, such as regular peanut butter, average over 10 different pesticides in one sample.

4. 110 out of 144 communities in Ohio have 4 or more herbicides and insecticides in every glass of water. These chemicals are not removed by water treatment such as chlorination.

5. Endocrine interrupting pesticides can alter the sex of a child during the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, causing a person to have traits of the opposite sex.

6. Chemical exposure often causes more problems in children than in the parents who were exposed.

7. A person living in Omaha and drinking city water consumes the maximum amount of atrazine (a spray used on corn fields) in only 2.6 years.

8. Chemicals used to control mosquitoes in the 60's saved 6 million lives from malaria. However, the residue in soil and crops may last for 100 years, and the benefits may not offset the losses in the next decade.

9. Household cleaning solvents and lawncare products are now creating health problems.

10. Four solvents used in plastic food containers volatilize and now appear as residues in over 20% of our food.

11. If a person eats a normal amount of fresh non organic fruit from a supermarket on a daily basis, in one year they will have also consumed about one gallon of pesticides.

Source: FDA Total Diet Study, "Toxics A to Z" by Harte, et al, and www.

The Importance of the Family Meal

by Melanie Waxman
The family meal, unfortunately, is disappearing fast. In all cultures, this timeless institution was recognized as a vital part of strong, stable family life. Eating together is the time when everyone can gather after a day hard at work or studying in school to share adventures and stories. 

Children learn a great deal by observing their parents. During the meal, they can find out about family traditions, good eating habits, be exposed to different foods, have interesting discussions and develop self-discipline. The family meal helps to develop a deep sense of security, establish a routine and is a wonderful place for parents and children to listen and demonstrate mutual respect. Lastly, and probably most important, the simple pleasure of eating together is a time for laughter, fun and sharing love.

I first went to Portugal when I was eighteen. My parents and I drove through Spain, into the North of Portugal and then down to the South. We ate in many small, traditional restaurants along the way. The thing that I remember clearly was the wonderful sight of large families dining together. They gathered at long tables, grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents and children and didn't appear to be in any hurry at all; in fact the meals went on forever.

It was fascinating to me and I really enjoyed watching everyone chatting and laughing and small children running around. In Portugal, eating together is considered normal and it showed me the importance of mealtimes in family life.

We also ate as a family in England and my mother was happy to include our friends on a regular basis. My father loved debating and Sunday lunch involved a lively discussion on a wide variety of subjects. Even today, my brothers and I have a big laugh about our Sunday lunches and the funny things that happened. When members of the family come together to eat, they build understanding and communication. 

Children can learn how to listen and also how to share their ideas and views. Parents can also learn to listen to their children and teach them words of wisdom. It is a wonderful way to get to know your children and to understand who they are. Dinner is a great time to gather together and really share about the things we have discovered, the people we have met and our observations from the day. It helps children to develop compassion and respect for others.

My parents were sticklers for routine. We had our meals at the same time each day.

At weekends our plans were centered on mealtimes. We gathered for breakfast and discussed what everyone was going to do. Often lunch was simple or eaten as a picnic and then we gathered again for dinner. We would spend a lot of time in the kitchen too. I don't think my mother was always happy when Dad fixed the lawn mower, my brothers cleaned parts of their bikes and I washed my saddle. We considered the kitchen to be the center and a safe, happy environment for all our activities.

Regular meals and an established routine give children a sense of security and stability. When a child feels secure, they also feel much happier and find it easy to do well at school, socially and in various hobbies and interests. A stable child is better able to deal with difficulties, stress and emotional upsets. Regular meals are also beneficial for health reasons too. They actually regulate all of the body's cycles - physical, emotional and mental. 

Meal times are traditionally centered on the natural cycles of the day. Breakfast, literally meaning to break fast, is an uplifting start to the day. Breakfast also aligns with the rising energy of the sun. This meal gives you the necessary vitality to go out into the world or to begin your daily adventure. Lunch is eaten when the sun is most active or at mid-day. Lunch can go either way.

A light, simple lunch will give you the necessary stamina to be active and complete your work. A large lunch is better suited to an afternoon siesta or for relaxing. Dinner is eaten when the sun is setting and the energy of the day is calming down, This is a time for returning home, re-aligning and becoming a family unit once again. When we align with the cycles of nature, it makes life flow in a smooth and supportive manner.

Table manners are very important. Not only do they make eating together pleasurable, they also help a child to develop self-discipline and improve their health. Sitting up straight and eating with a closed mouth help to strengthen the digestive system and improve the assimilation of nutrients. Taking small portions and eating everything on the plate shows gratitude for life and all the work that has gone into making food available. Eating slowly with small mouthfuls is good for the brain and makes it easier to focus with clarity. Learning to sit still and wait for dishes to be passed can help to develop patience and teach a child the value of being calm and quiet. Teaching a child 'how' to eat is as important as 'what' to eat and makes it easier for them to be strong and healthy. 

Small children often have limited tastes. When they observe their parents eating a wide selection of delicious, natural, healthy foods and dishes, it exposes them to the enjoyment of variety. It also helps them to develop a broad outlook on life. Learning to share during the meal shows a child that the world doesn't always revolve around them. It helps a child to understand the power of giving and receiving.

Sharing food also develops gratitude. When time is set aside to really enjoy the meal, then the love, time and effort that the cook has put in is reciprocated. Spending time on the meal, also helps the body to relax and become open to receiving nourishment . Having your child help set the table or clear the dishes can encourage the idea of giving and receiving. Children can be involved with the meal time preparation at a very young age even if it is as simple as putting the napkins on the table.

The family meal is a way to understand the subtle forces of energy in nature. During the meal there should be a gentle flow between creativity and discipline. These two forces go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other. If you give your child too much freedom, it will be hard for them to develop inner strength, the ability to focus and rely on their own resources. Too much discipline, however, can break a child's spirit; foster feelings of low self-esteem and create a desire to rebel. This subtle balance between freedom and discipline can be established during the family meal. The love, laugher and shared stories mixed with respect, table manners, sharing and listening makes for a complete experience, one that will remain with your child throughout his life.

Raising Healthy Children- part 1

by Melanie Waxman

There is nothing that gives a parent more pleasure than seeing their children grow up healthy and happy. Over the past twenty years, I have had the good fortune to observe many children. The ones I am most familiar with have been raised on macrobiotics. In the early days, everyone was terribly enthusiastic and idealistic.
We wanted to be perfect and of course the same went for our children. We were so excited, like pioneers travelling on un-chartered waters and we made many mistakes. The children from those early days are now in their late teens and early twenties.

Are they any different than other children? I think so. They seem to be more self aware, independent and have a strength of spirit. Their outlook on life is broad and they possess a gentle power. My father once said that he didn't know if it was his imagination but macrobiotic children seem to be more intelligent. Today, the macrobiotic way of life is more relaxed and we have learnt a lot. Our children have greatly benefited from our experiences. I am still in the process of raising my seven children and feel blessed for the gifts I have been given. 

We all want our children to be well nourished. Sometimes this can appear daunting especially for new parents. What should we feed our children? 

Are we giving them enough and are they getting all the necessary nutrition?

We read lots of magazines and books and every piece of advice seems different. I first became interested in Macrobiotics because it made sense. It was very practical. Its roots are found within all long-standing cultures. Macrobiotics is so flexible that you can use it to create dishes from all over the world. 

The idea is to base the meal around the grain, whether it is a whole grain, pasta, cracked grain or bread. The meal is created from that starting point and you accent with vegetables, beans, fish and various seasonings. The ingredients used are natural and almost always, organic. There are endless combinations and each meal is unique and exquisite. When we eat these gifts from nature, it helps us to feel connected. Connected to the world and our fellow men. We develop gratitude and a sensitivity for our life on earth

Changing your way of life to a natural and healthy one is very empowering. You become the one in the driver's seat. You take responsibility for your health and the well being of your family. For many people this is a big step and can be a frightening one. Often we are more afraid of change than change itself.

If you can see if as an exciting adventure then it puts everything in a positive light. Remember why you want to change; improved health, quality of life, increased energy and peace of mind. Mind, body and spirit are one. Great food will also nourish and free the mind and the spirit. Eating healthy food is one of the best ways you can love and nourish yourself.

Rather than thinking of health as a something you achieve, see it as a direction that you are moving towards. We can move towards health and we can move away from it. The direction is what is important. Whether you are already eating macrobiotic foods or want to make changes to your present diet, a gentle approach is advised.

This is important where children are concerned. Keep in mind that you are aiming to enrich your life and not to deny yourself. Start by including new ingredients rather than cutting out present dishes. Begin to include whole grains and organic foods. Look at ingredients in the foods that you purchase. Start including items that are natural such as sugar free jams, unrefined oils and sea salt. If you make mistakes and fall off the wagon, be gentle. We are all human and mistakes are the basis for great lessons. It is important to avoid feeling bad and guilty.

Feeding children is often a challenge. How strict should you be and how free. If you are too strict, your children will forage for themselves and supplement the food you offer. Young children are naturally inquisitive and love to try new things. 

They like to be part of the crowd and not singled out as weird or different. An established routine will help to give children a sense of boundaries. Start to develop a routine with your baby. Begin with bath, nap and bed at the same time each day. As they get older, regular meals can be introduced. Sitting down and eating together is a vital part of family life and helps to create a strong foundation. 

Children often make balance for themselves. They might be mad on carrots for a few weeks and then go off them altogether. They may prefer broccoli cooked in one special way and refuse to touch it in any other preparation. Be patient and continue to offer a wide variety of foods. Fights over meals create stress for all concerned and should be avoided where possible. However, you as a parent are in charge.
Children learn a great deal through observation. If they see you sitting and enjoying beautifully prepared meals, they will follow. It is not a good idea to ask a young child what he wants to eat or to let him control the food choices. 

They have little imagination about new dishes and will ask for the same thing over and over. It also fosters endless debates about meals. A positive alternative is to encourage them to assist with meal preparation. Even very small children can help set the table or cut soft foods with a plastic knife. 

I have always seen life as an exciting journey. The macrobiotic lifestyle will certainly stir one's imagination and awaken the spirit. Children flourish on natural foods. It provides them with the foundation for living a full and happy life.

I hope you jump in and have a go. You will be able to observe the benefits first hand. I encourage you to relish you life with your children. The loving environment that you create will nourish them on all levels - physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially. If you begin eating natural foods then you are choosing to create the life that you and your family desire.

Some simple ways to get started:
  • Sit down to regular meals
  • Eat grains and vegetables with every meal
  • Include a variety of organic grains, vegetables and seasonings
  • Stop eating three hours before bedtime
  • Include fish rather than meat or chicken
  • Include natural sweeteners such as rice syrup, barely malt or maple syrup
  • Experiment with vegetable protein such as beans, tofu, tempeh and seitan
  • Use non-stimulating teas and grain coffee

Raising Healthy Children- Part Two

by Melanie Waxman 

Many of us are aware how important it is to give our children good quality food to help them grow and develop. We often feel it is a struggle to get them to eat well. It is easy to give them the same thing every day and to forget to make meals that are varied and interesting.

It is up to us as parents to create an exciting diet so that our children are getting the balanced nutrition they need. Healthy children appear robust and energetic, their energy is bright and they have a natural curiosity about life.

Children also go through periods of change where they might act out or appear tired. This is natural too. As parents we have to learn to read out children.

If your child displays extremes in behavior or has physical problems for long periods, it is wise to seek professional advice. These symptoms may manifest as lethargy, severe lack of weight gain, hyper- active or overly aggressive.

Here are some ideas to help you with your child’s food.
If you are changing over to a more natural way of eating, have patience. Children need time to adjust. Begin introducing new dishes along with the more familiar ones. Buy jams, snacks and juices without sugar. Make dishes that are similar to old ones and use better quality ingredients such as whole wheat instead of white spaghetti or unrefined oils.

Children need rich tasting food, especially if they have been raised without meat or dairy food. Fried noodles, deep-fried bread, pan-fried fish or mochi and tempeh are some examples. These kinds of dishes keep children active and strong. If you live in a very cold climate or one where there is little sunshine, adjustments need to be made to use more substantial foods. Include more oil and fatty fish, such as herring or smoked fish. It is important to include the use of natural sweeteners such as barley malt and rice syrup too.

Before walking, babies need little or no salt. Salt will prevent smooth growth and make children more difficult emotionally. Try taking a small serving from each dish before you season it for the adults. After walking, salt can be gradually introduced into the diet until the age of six. After six, seasonings can be the same as the rest of the family.

When feeding babies, use a variety of grains such as rice, sweet rice, barley, whole oats, cracked grains and flakes in the form of milk or porridge. Juice from grated carrots or fresh fruit can be added along with grain sweeteners. Soft cooked vegetables are also very important. Try adding ground-toasted sesame seeds, a few drops of oil or tahini to the grain milk before serving. 

Use sea vegetables sparingly with young children. The excessive use of sea vegetables can interfere with mineral absorption and the utilization of fat. Small pieces of toasted nori, however can be given regularly to all children.

Children’s taste and likes are always changing. If your child dislikes cooked carrots, he may love raw ones. Don’t abandon the carrots, trying cooking them in different ways such as sautéing, steamed, whole, grated or cooked in a stew. Or wait and re-introduce them later. You may be surprised at how much they enjoy them.
If you child snacks a lot, don’t despair. Look at what he is going for and try to create a similar taste in your cooking. For example is they love oily chips try making deep fried bread. If they are going for masses of sweet snacks, use more sweet tasting vegetables and make satisfying desserts.

Remember all the sweets you ate as a child? Children need lots of natural sweet tasting food to help them grow and develop. Good quality sweet taste in cooking is very important as well as homemade desserts and snacks.

Seeds are very important for all children especially sesame seeds because they are high in vitamins, calcium and iron. They help to develop strong teeth and bones. Roast some and store them in a jar so they are handy to sprinkle over grains and vegetables. 

Many children have trouble eating vegetables. Make some simple dipping sauces out of brown rice vinegar and water, umeboshi vinegar and rice syrup, tofu, ginger and shoyu or lemon. Children love to dip their vegetables and eating becomes more fun for them.

If you have trouble with your child’s appetite give him something sweet such as a little fruit or warm juice before dinner. This eases the digestion and helps to stimulate the appetite.

Children like to look at things. They love food that is colorful and bold. Large pieces of vegetables, tofu cut into unusual shapes, cabbage rolls, deep-fried rice balls and noodle sushi are some examples of foods that are visually appealing.

If you are too strict with your child’s diet, he will forage for himself. Cook an assortment of foods including fish, cracked grains, breads, pancakes, salads, fruits and desserts.

Make meals enjoyable for everyone in the family. An open, flexible, approach to eating helps everyone feel relaxed about his or her food. It is important for all of us to create a happy atmosphere at meal times by eating and talking together. Regular meals help children to feel secure and have a sense of belonging. In these circumstances, children are more likely to eat a balanced diet. They can then get the most nutrition out of their food and at the same time feel emotionally safe. Well-balanced nutrition not only comes from the food itself but the attitude we have about food, meal times and eating habits.

Ten Tips for Happy Breastfeeding

1. When it comes to breastfeeding, the most important thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to REST.

Resting allows for your body to produce nourishing breast milk. Often we feel a huge surge of energy after our baby is born. However, this energy is created to help the contraction of the uterus and to re-gain inner strength and vitality. If you use up your energy by rushing around, you will have little left for you or your baby. If you are tired, your baby will be fussy and demanding. Rest as much as you can for the first six weeks. I stayed in bed for two weeks after each baby. I know this made a huge difference to how I felt on all levels, emotionally, physically and mentally. I also had plenty of milk and my babies were able to adjust to life on earth in a calm, peaceful manner. 

2. Stress and worry can also cause your milk to dry up or become acidic.
If your milk is acidic, it can give your baby colic and make him difficult. If you are stressed and tired, your milk becomes thinner and less satisfying for your baby. Make sure you take time to relax, sit or walk outside in nature. The freshness of trees, grass and flowers actually help you to feel uplifted and are a great stress relief. If you are worrying about your baby, make sure to contact other mothers for support. 

3. Many women suffer from sore nipples when they first start breastfeeding.
Watch your diet and avoid eating salty, oily or hard, dry baked foods such as chips, cookies or toast. The juice of finely grated carrot is very helpful for soothing painful nipples. Rub a little over the them before nursing. I only experienced sore nipples with one child and it was extremely painful. I found that using a small amount of almond oil after the baby has nursed made a difference. Rubbing a little breast milk around the nipples can also help relieve soreness.

Make an effort to toughen up your nipples before you have the baby by rubbing them briskly with a dry, coarse towel and then softening the area with a little almond oil. Another good idea is to change the position in which you nurse at every feeding. This puts the pressure of the baby's gums on a different spot each time. Try to nurse more often, but for shorter lengths of time. If you go longer between feedings, the baby will be hungrier and nurse too hard and make your breasts even sorer.

4. When nursing at night, burp the baby well otherwise, he will wake up again quickly. Keep him well wrapped so he won't notice the temperature change when you put him back in his crib. Often the breasts leak at the early stages of breastfeeding. Place a towel on your side of the bed to prevent staining. I used to wear a bra to bed during the early months because it felt more comfortable. Some women like to drape a cotton cloth over their breasts instead. Breastfeed babies are all different, some sleep through the night at an early age and many continue to nurse through the night for a few months. It will be easier for your baby to get on a routine if you have a routine in your daily life.

5. Certain foods help to make your milk rich and nourishing.
However, eating oily/greasy foods can make your milk too rich and effect your baby's digestion causing him to spit up often Mochi,, which is made from pounded, sweet brown rice, is very good for producing nourishing milk. Mochi is purchased in cake form and can be fried, steamed or added to soup. Mild miso soup with tofu, onions, shiitake and lots of greens is also beneficial. Creamy soups made from sweet vegetables such as onions, carrots, squash or sweet potato are very nourishing too. A wide variety of organic, natural foods are recommended during breastfeeding. Use fresh vegetables, whole grains, beans, sea vegetables, fish and fruit.

Although I don't advocate drinking alcohol while breastfeeding, Guinness has been used traditionally to help bring in the milk. Sometimes it can take a few days for the first milk to come in and mothers often become very anxious which delays the process further. Guinness is very high in nutrition especially iron and a small glass can work wonders in relaxing the mother and providing the necessary ingredients to get your milk flowing. Drink one glassful everyday for three days. Some babies have digestive systems that are not fully mature, and spicy and gassy foods like onions, cabbage, broccoli or beans MIGHT make them fussy. Try eating different foods, one at a time, to see how your baby reacts to them. If something really makes him fussy and uncomfortable, don't eat it for a couple of weeks. As his digestive system matures, he can handle much more.

6. Many women suffer from engorged breasts when their milk first comes in.
This can be very uncomfortable and is quickly relieved as the baby nurses. Try to nurse every two hours to help relieve the discomfort. A warm shower can help too. An old remedy that works very well is lining your bra with cold cabbage leaves. Remove the central stem and cut a hole for your nipples. Replace the cabbage when it becomes warm. Sometimes women experience plugged ducts or breast infections. In both cases make sure you rest well and drink plenty of fluids. Nurse on the infected side first. Apply a compress made from rinsed and soaked 'Kombu' sea vegetable. Place a strip of kombu over the infected breast for about one hour. Remove and place crushed, cold. leafy greens such as kale on the breast for a few hours. Repeat if necessary. Eating large pieces of daikon (white radish) which have been steamed until soft are extremely helpful in easing all breast problems. Eat them on a regular basis.

7. Breastfeeding is such a special relationship with your baby and demonstrates a clear message of love, warmth, safety and reassurance to your newborn.
However, it is important to take care of your body too. It is also easy to experience tension in your upper back, shoulders and neck. Make sure you take time to stretch even if it is for a few minutes after nursing. Simple stretching will help your posture and ease away stiffness or sore muscles. Use pillows for support when nursing to prevent excessive strain on your back. A daily walk will help to keep your body in good shape and stress free. Regular massage after you have a baby is also beneficial.

8. Wear pure cotton next to your skin especially when nursing.
Cotton carries less of a static electrical charge than other materials and when worn next to the skin, helps to neutralize imbalances in the body. Synthetics on the other hand, increase imbalances. So if you are feeling more tired or anxious, synthetics will actually make you feel worse. Cotton clothing helps you to feel re-freshed and creates a stronger resistance to illness.

By using cotton clothing, your breastmilk will be more nourishing and less acidic. Your baby will also benefit from the use of natural fibers in clothing, diapers, towels, underwear and sheets. Often when women first start to breastfeed, they experience leaking from the breasts as their milk lets down. Choose natural cotton nursing pads to help prevent staining. While nursing from one breast, press gently but firmly against the other nipple to stop it leaking. This condition improves as your milk supply aligns with the demands of your baby.

9. Many breast-fed babies suffer from mild jaundice for a few days after birth.
Place the baby in a sunny spot in your house, such as a beneath a window, for about five minutes on his front and then on his back. Remove all his clothes. Make sure the room is warm. Watch your diet and avoid excess salt, crackers, toast, cookies, dairy and animal foods. A special tea made from dried daikon radish and dried shiitake mushroom works wonders. Drink one cup a day for about 3 days. If your baby has yellowing in the eyes and appears lethargic, make sure to seek medical advice.

10. In order for your baby to establish a regular routine and begin to sleep through the night, you need to establish a regular routine in your life.
Make sure to get up and go to bed at the same time each day and to have your meals at the same time. This will make a huge difference to your baby. If you separated from the baby during the day, make sure to have an established routine when you are together.

If your baby wakes up a lot at night, you could try nursing more often when you are together and see if you can lessen the number of night time feedings. Feeding patterns do change as the baby grows older, teething, growth spurts, all kinds of things can change when she wants to eat and how much, how she is sleeping...a lot like our eating and sleeping patterns. Again, look at the total picture of what is going on with her and you. Mother and child are one. How you conduct your day will have a direct effect on how your baby behaves.

Body Beautiful for Pregnancy

During pregnancy many women worry about the quality of their skin especially when it comes to a growing belly and breasts and the fear of stretch marks. I have given birth to seven children and by to following a simple body rub routine have never experienced any stretch marks or sagging skin.

In our modern world, we are bombarded with masses of advertising on beauty. Billions of dollars are spent promoting a whole host of creams and treatments for the skin, most of which don't work. It is a shame that we are not so well informed about what the skin actually does and the fact that it is the largest organ in the body. Instead we try to help it with remedies that cost a lot and only clog the surface and do little else to help.

The technique I used during my pregnancies and still use today is a simple hot towel, body rub. Sounds simple and it is. The body rub is very cheap too. You only need a cotton face cloth and a sink full of hot water.

The hot towel rub was used in Japan and Europe to rejuvenate and beautify the skin. Unlike dry skin brushing or loofahs, which works only the surface of the skin, the hot towel rub also stimulates the muscles and the internal organs. 

The rub can be done on a daily basis both during and after pregnancy. While you are pregnant, it helps to prevent stretch marks and the build up of cellulite. Afterwards, it can help to keep your skin healthy and enable it to regain its natural elasticity.

Our skin actually renews itself every 28 days. The cells in your skin go through a continuous cycle of dying and being replaced. Our skin can renew itself in a healthy or an unhealthy way depending on our lifestyle over the past days and weeks. Of course, a healthy diet is the most important factor in having beautiful, healthy skin. By adding the easy routine of a body rub, we can actually nourish the skin on a daily basis.
When I was in my late teens, I hardly perspired at all. I thought it was great at the time because I didn't have to worry too much about body odor or deodorants. I remember going to a sauna one day and falling asleep and not perspiring one bit. 

I felt awful and never went back. When I became involved in alternative medicine, I realised that the reason I didn't perspire was because I had clogged skin. This wasn't a healthy situation at all. The toxins, which should naturally be released through my skin, were going back into my body.

Sadly, today, many young women have eating disorders and a common symptom is clogged skin. When the skin is clogged a great deal of pressure is built up internally. When our skin is healthy, we release tension, stress and pressure easily and feel more relaxed and happy with ourselves. Our skin is the barrier between our inner and outer world. It protects us from the environment, affects how we respond to heat and cold and literally holds us together. Healthy skin helps us to develop sensitivity to pressure and touch and also strengthens our immune system.

So what does healthy skin look like? I was born and raised in England. We are famous for our beautiful skin, often described as 'the peaches and cream' complexion or the look of 'a blooming rose'. I think the endless rain actually helps to keep the British skin slightly shiny and moist which is one indication of health.
Healthy skin should also perspire gently and easily all over and not just under the armpits. This shows that excess fluids and toxins are being discharged in a natural manner. Healthy skin is smooth, soft to the touch and firm but not tight. It looks fresh and radiant and is actually a reflection of our overall health.

Our skin is a very hard working organ and when it becomes clogged, moisture and oil cannot pass through the pores. Dry skin is result of pores becoming clogged, most commonly as a result of a high fat diet. Using moisturisers high in mineral, coconut or palm oil only coats the surface and makes the matter worse. As fat builds up beneath the surface of the skin, our circulation becomes sluggish as excess fat and fluids back up in the system trying to exit via the blood vessels.

The simple body rub not only helps the skin to function at optimum efficiency, it also takes the strain off the kidneys, liver and intestines. These organs are also responsible for discharging toxins. When they overwork, excess cannot be smoothly released but moves to the surface in an attempt to exit, resulting in rashes, pimples or other skin irritations. 

When we rub our body all over, we stimulate the meridians in the body. Meridians are streams of energy that connect to the organs. They nourish the organs and help them to discharge. By stimulating the skin we activate the meridians, thus increasing the energy that is sent to the internal organs. Therefore, the body rub also stimulates our organs and helps them to rest, repair and function well.

During pregnancy, practicing the body rub will send a direct message of love to your baby. The baby receives energy as you stimulate your skin and he will feel like he is getting his own special massage too.
Now for the great news! The hot towel rub is an inexpensive, simple and fun way to look and feel great. All you need is a top quality, ideally, organic cotton face cloth (not too soft), a sink full of hot water and your bathroom. You can also add a few drops of high quality aromatherapy oils to your face cloth if you like. Make sure that they are suitable for pregnancy. Use lavender for stress relief and aches and pains, tangerine for calming nerves and further preventing stretch marks or ylang ylang for relaxation. 

Remember, having glowing skin is only one benefit. The hot towel rub also improves circulation, strengthens the immune system and aids the smooth function of the organs. It is a great stress release too. If you do the rub in the morning, you will feel uplifted and ready for the day. At night, the rub helps you to feel relaxed and sleep more soundly. In general, it will help you to de-toxify, let out tension, improve your energy and strengthen your health. 

Melanie Waxman began studying Oriental medicine in 1980 and went on to specialize in macrobiotic cooking. She has lived in Portugal, England and America and has trained cooks from all over the world. Melanie is the mother of seven children. She has cooked for international recording stars, fashion designers, doctors, and business professionals and has helped thousands of others to change their lifestyle and way of eating. She has written a children's cook book; Mr. Hoppity's Color Me Cook book for Kids, a series of self-published12 Cooklets and has recently published Bless the Baby, a beautifully illustrated book on the natural and traditional ways a mother can bond with her newborn. Melanie is also a massage therapist and Feng Shui consultant.

Healthy Macrobiotic School Lunches and Dinners Ideas

by Melanie Waxman
For most parents mornings are a rushed affair. Preparing a healthy and tasty packed lunch that doesn't arrive at the end of the day squashed at the bottom of a book bag is a daunting task.

With some careful planning, mornings can become a lot more relaxed and parents can go to work knowing they have provided a lunch that is satisfying and nourishing.

09 April 2010

101 Reasons Not to Feed Pasteurized Dairy Products (or Milk Formula) to Your Children

Children who are not fed dairy productsdairy products enjoy:
  1. Far less coliccolic
  2. Far less osteoporosis
  3. Reduced childhood cancer
  4. Drastically reduced chance of developing Type I Diabetes
  5. Drastically reduced chance of developing Type II Diabetes
  6. Less eczemaeczema
  7. Less diaper rash
  8. Less infant crying
  9. Less infant fussiness
  10. Less vomiting
  11. Less cystic fibrosis symptoms
  12. Less heartburn (Gastro Esophageal RefluxGastro Esophageal Reflux)
  13. Less esophageal cancer
  14. Greatly reduced chance of developing breast cancer
  15. Reduced chances of ovarian cancer
  16. Reduced colon cancer
  17. Less autism
  18. Less tonsillitistonsillitis
  19. Fewer learning deficits
  20. Fewer behavior disorders
  21. Less ADHD
  22. Fewer tantrums
  23. Less epilepsyepilepsy
  24. Better absorption of nutrients
  25. More opportunities to consume anti-oxidant-rich foods
  26. Reduced fluorosis
  27. Far fewer food allergies
  28. Freedom from common milk-protein intolerance reactions
  29. Fewer digestive problems
  30. Reduced chance of developing leukemia
  31. Less asthma
  32. Fewer respiratory infections
  33. Less nose-picking
  34. Reduced incidence of Lupus
  35. No suffering from lactose intolerancelactose intolerance
  36. Freedom from galactose build-up
  37. Healthier flora
  38. Reduced constipation
  39. Reduced diarrhea
  40. Reduced gas
  41. Less abdominal pain
  42. Better sleep
  43. Less bed-wetting
  44. Fewer headaches
  45. Less need for allergy drugs
  46. Less need for pain relievers
  47. Less need for antibiotics
  48. The unmasked, robust taste of pizza sauce
  49. Fewer fertility problemsfertility problems
  50. Reduced incidence of Crohn's diseaseCrohn's disease
  51. Reduced incidence of Irritable Bowel disease
  52. Reduced Colitis
  53. Increased IQ (with no formula)
  54. Reduced anemia
  55. Fewer ear infectionsear infections
  56. Less non-infective ear fluid build-up
  57. Less congestion
  58. Fewer runny noses
  59. A lower-fat diet
  60. Freedom from hydrogenated animal fat
  61. Increased immune system functioning
  62. Reduced chance of developing premature puberty
  63. Less short-stature
  64. Far less acne
  65. Far less heart disease
  66. Fewer heart attacksheart attacks
  67. Fewer strokes
  68. Less lung cancer
  69. Lower blood pressure
  70. Better arteries
  71. Reduced blindness
  72. Reduced kidney disease
  73. Less Multiple Sclerosis
  74. Making a statement against a huge government lobby
  75. Not supporting the baby-killing formula industry
  76. Freedom from tasting spoiled milk (gag)
  77. Freedom from frequent milk runs
  78. Freedom from antibiotics fed to cows
  79. Freedom from pesticides fed to cows
  80. Freedom from added BGH and its questionable consequences
  81. Freedom from powerful hormones naturally found in cow's milk
  82. A beautiful healthy glow
  83. Less temptation to consume birthday party junk foods
  84. Less halitosis (bad breath)
  85. Less arthritis
  86. Greater infant survival
  87. Less obesity
  88. Fewer ulcers
  89. Fewer cataracts
  90. Guilt-free communion with cows
  91. Drastically reduced incidence of prostate cancer
  92. Cow's milk is not a natural food for humans
  93. Milk formula diapers stink, breastmilk diapers don't
  94. Milk formula stains the carpet, breastmilk doesn't
  95. Dairy industries lobby for their wealth above nutritionalnutritional truth
  96. Dairy farms take baby cows away from their mothers
  97. Dairy farms don't allow calves to have mother's milk
  98. Dairy farming is resource intensive
  99. Dairy farming tortures animals
  100. Dairy farming pollutes our water
  101. Dairy farming pollutes our air
*Many of the above also assume that baby is not receiving second-hand dairy from their lactating mother's diet.

Explanation and research documentation for nearly all of these can be found in Baby Matters, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Caring for Your Baby